
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Pin the Tiara on the Princess

I've got a post that I'm super excited to share because I think it could be the start of something awesome.  Like, maybe I'll see it all over Pinterest.  Or maybe I won't, but I'll share it anyway.

So, I have seen people pin posts from blogs about "engineering prints" or "engineering copies." Basically, it's a huge paper printout of a picture that costs less than $10 because architects and engineers use them for their plans (sizes as big as 3 feet x 4 feet).  Well... I thought to myself, "Why not print out a picture of Peaches McGee and have them play a version of "Pin the Tail on the Donkey?""

Peaches decided that she wanted a princess tea party for her 5th birthday party, so I decided to use cutouts of tiaras to pin on the princess!  p.s. I'll be blogging about her party next month 

First, I uploaded this picture that her first babysitter took and had it printed at It cost me a whopping $8 or so.  

Next, I was going to use my Silhouette Cameo and cut out tiaras for all 13 of the girls. Instead, it occurred to me that the cupcake wrappers that I had bought were a) pink, b) tiara-shaped, and c) pre-made.  I love me a shortcut!

I then blindfolded each of the girls, twirled them around twice, and let them "pin the tiara on the princess."  To affix the tiara to the picture, I simply used a little piece of double-stick tape. I forgot to mention that  I placed a cupcake wrapper tiara on the picture beforehand to use as reference for where the kids should aim. 

After all the girls went, this is what it looked like (not including my favorite one which wound up on the opposite wall).

It was super fun, and the girls loved it!  It got me thinking that you could do so many other things... pin the mask on the super-hero; pin the wand on the fairy, etc.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Pin 'M'e up!

On display in Peaches' room
A long time ago, and I a mean, loooooong time ago, I bought a piece of "art" from a local craft store that was on clearance.  I didn't care at all for the picture in it, but loved the frame and at $5, I couldn't turn it down.  

Fast forward several months (or perhaps a year), and I decided it was time to put that baby to use after I found this cork board 'M' on clearance at Fred Meyer's.  We already know that I can't say no to any 'M.'  God forbid Peaches forgets what her name begins with!

Cork board 'M' that Peaches already used to display her art
  The frame had hideous little "sequins" all over it, so I started by removing them.
Frame with the sequins removed
I then realized that I had thrown away the "art" and no longer had a backing to use.  Off to the craft store to buy some corrugated cardboard to cut to size.  

No reason for choosing pink - it was just all they had!

I took a couple of quick measurements by flipping over the frame to see what size the cardboard needed to be to fit it.  Once I cut it, I covered the cardboard with the fabric I had chosen.  I used Elmer's Craft Bond Spray Adhesive, but in hindsight, I would've used something a lot stronger like 3M Super 77 - that stuff really works!
Fabric for covering the cardboard

I used this spray adhesive, but recommend something stronger
The toughest part of covering the cardboard is making sure everything is smooth.  Just keep at it!

After the cardboard was covered, it was time to attach it to the frame.  I simply used a staple gun and I love the one that I have - it makes it so easy!  I just made sure to have one side of the staple go into the cardboard, and the other one in the frame.

You can see one of the staples - one point in the cardboard and one point in the frame
Next came time to add the 'M' to it.  The letter actually came with a couple of Velcro dots, but it wasn't strong enough to stick to the back, so I used good old Alene's Original Tacky Glue which always helps in any crafting situation!
The Velcro dots the letter came with
Alene's Original Tacky Glue to the rescue!
And that was it!  I used a nail to hang it up in Peaches' room and she loved it!

The finished project in my craft room

Peaches loves it!

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Spirit Fingers

It's Super Bowl time here in Seattle and there is nothing like it.  The city is electric and everyone is representing in Blue and Green! GO HAWKS!

Earlier in the season, we were at Peaches McGee's cousin's house watching the game and these people with silly pom-pom gloves appeared on TV.  Someone commented on how cool they were and I (stupidly) blurted out, "I'll make a pair for everyone if the Seahawks go to the Super Bowl."  

Cue the pom-pom sweat factory.

I asked the hubby to pick up a few pairs of gloves since apparently it's difficult to find them in most stores in January (WUT?!) Okay - I may have only gone to one store, but I hate shopping! 

He came home with three which was a huge relief - only 30 pom-poms to make.  Wait, did I say ONLY 30?  That's what I thought until I felt like my fingers were going to bleed after making 32 (of course I ruined two in the process of sewing them to the gloves - grrrrrr.)

Here are the supplies and instructions are below:

  • Send husband out to buy gloves because you can't stand going to more than one store

  • Make a pom-pom for each finger - I used a pom-pom maker like this one and a video tutorial on how to use it may be found  here.  Make more than you need... you WILL ruin at least one of them. 

  • Sew the pom-poms to the mittens with embroidery thread that matches the color of the mittens.  I sewed through the pom-pom from top to bottom and then attached it to the mitten by sewing through the tops of the fingers (without a an actual finger in them).  There's a seam there already, so it doesn't add any bulk and looks seamless (no pun intended).
  • Make your child model them even those she doesn't want to!

There you have it; now you have the ability to cheer with your fingers!